Life Mel Range

Life Mel Range is a unique food supplements from the beehive, made by bees fed with a mixture of specially prepared Herbs.
One of the product, Life Mel Honey, was recently featured on ITV This Morning Show on 15th May'2018 where Dr. Chris Steele talked about LifeMel Honey and its benefits for the Cancer patients going through Chemotheraphy or Radiation Theraphy.
Life Mel Range consists of 14 different unique products, such as Life Mel Original (Chemotheraphy and Radiation Theraphy Support ) , Energy Mel, Relax Mel, Gastro Mel, Lady Mel Day and Lady Mel Night, Potent Mel, Magne Mel, Clear Mel, Vir Mel, Broncho Mel, Defence Mel, Laryngo Mel and Flor Mel. Read more...